We have some classical musicals, some
of which have been performed in
Theaters, Organisations, Groups,
Schools, Private persons
who are interested in knowing more,
please feel free to contact us
Our plays are historical or mythological,
and most of them are about
Den marks history in the past.
1. The sound from a magic sword,
a viking story,
humorous and serious, dance, percussion and fighting.
Full length.
It's a well known story from the Danish past like Hamlet.
Cast minimum
22, of which most of them have to be good choir singers.
2. Megins children
viking meet Christianity, of which they are scared because of
the fact,
that they were forced to accept it. Old beliefs and natural
are violently brushed aside by Christian missionaries,
introduce another moral and destroy the old viking society.
Cast about
25, of which most of them must be good choir singers.
3. The voice from the light
life in a nunnery, where the leader Hildegard von Bingen, who has
a natural
feeling of music gets involved in a conflict with the pope, who
finally excommunicates
her and punishes her by forbidding her to sing.
Almost full
Cast minimum
9 persons, of which all are good choir singers.
(1 bas, 1
tenor, 1 alto, 1 soprano being soloist)
4. The fairy king and
his daughters
about nature mysticism and the importance of FOG, which in the medieval
time was considered a part of the fascinating fairy king who lead young
women astray. The fairy king, the symbol af lust, had to medieval people
a double edged nature : attracting and repulsive.
A man who met his fascinating daughters was spellbound, which in many
cases meant death from the outer world. A woman meeting the Fairy King
also died and disappeared from the outer world but was married to the
fairy king to whom she was tied for ever.
You can find the composer Henning Charlé here
E-mail : [email protected]
Url http://members.fortunecity.com/kompositionhc